Monday, September 25, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

THIS.... is punk

SNL clips are very hard to find on YouTube. So after Megan and I finished talking about how badly SNL has declined I wanted to search for a "Classic" clip. Here's the best music performance ever on SNL.

Monday, September 18, 2006

A whole post dedicated to...


I talked to Travis and Ameer, and I'm now 100% sure that they DON'T want a Lou 2.0. So that means I am fully behind Madrigal Dinner for another year.

Read the script. Like the lines. Want to see the song that I have to sing.

Cell phone was possibly found, will have it back hopefully on Thursday.

THE DEVIL AND DANIEL JOHNSTON COMING TO THE FILM COMMITTEE! So excited, I want to get three people for a Q&A and I think with a little work we can get two of them. Video at the bottom.

Improv Lite tomorrow. Be there or die. Also check out the sneak preview as well. It's got Billy Bob for crying out loud.

"True love will find you in the end, you'll find out just who is your friend."
-Daniel Johnston

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Kitchen Sink

Hey everybody! I'm sorry for a week of no posts but so much has been going on and I just could not fit it onto one post. I finished my first RTF project which you can view on the Facebook profile and I did my first gigglepants show as well. Both went really well and I'm excited about all the different things that I'm working on right now.

What About Madrigal?

Sore subject right now. I should hopefully get to meet with Travis on Monday, but until then I don't feel like making anything public out of respect to him. Needless to say I am not 100% sure what I will be doing for Madrigal Dinner this semester.

Bits and Pieces

Got to buy Shock Treatment and the new DVD of Empire Strikes Back. Very excited about having both and I've been checking out the video quality today.

Missing the cell phone, don't know where it is, hopefully Thai does...

Hope to see you all at Improv Lite on tuesday. It should be AWESOME!

Got the free season finale of Grey's off of iTunes, just another reason why I love that show.

Below you will find some shots from the RTF project that couldn't be included for space and pacing, still love them.

Just for fun...

Monday, September 11, 2006


I claim to be a writer, so I should have something profound to say, here on the fifth anniversary of the most devestating event in my young life. But I am speechless. 9/11 is not about expression, it's about rememberance. With that in mind, I am showing the only video that does this event justice. When I first saw this, I cried. I cry now because of it.

God Bless America
God Bless The World

The only thing certain in life is there will be someone to hate and someone to love. Marry the latter.

For you Megan, the love of my life

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Damn Facebook

If you are reading this on facebook, than DAMN YOU!

These posts were written for Musings From Austin, Texas and are syndicated on the Facebook profile. However, facebook does a much better job of promoting my posts than I do so people read them on Facebook and don't comment on the real blog.

You people are missing half the post. I often include YouTube videos at the bottom of posts and if you read the Facebook versions then you miss the video. I had two friends of mine comment on the facebook notes and I doubt they got to see the awesome Dylan video I had looked for. It's a bummer.

I'm cool with you reading my posts on facebook, but afterwards check out the blog on and leave a comment on there, you'll be glad you did :)

The Day After

I'm not sad.

I feel a little under the weather right now though. I have a slight cough and I feel weak, not really sure why. But I doubt this came from the results of yesterday.

I'm not upset.

We won the national championship last year, something that very few of my favorite teams have ever done. As a die-hard saints fan, having your college win it all is something you will never forget, so what if we might not repeat, it is certainly far from the end of the world. I would even wager that we'll still end up in a BCS game by the time the season is through, no great loss.

I'm excited.

I get to see Phantom of the Paradise at the alamo in a few hours with PAUL WILLIAMS. I know nobody knows who he is but if you've seen the flick than you know how funny this may end up being.

You should be excited too.

I'm still on a two-week Bob Dylan kick right now so for you're enjoyment I've posted this AMAZING clip of Dylan in the 70's doing a 60's classic.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The New Facebook OR How I became a Jedi

Yeah, I'm a Jedi Knight now. That's what my facebook profile says. I admit, this is not a original joke, read about it. But it just goes to show that when you alter one of the most popular web sites on the internet, people tend to get up in arms about it.

I've been hearing "Facebook SUCKS!" all day today after the changes took place but frankly, I'm just fine about it. The layout is getting close to cluttered but I don't think it's gotten there yet and I will be looking into seeing if I can remove certain things on the main profile page. But before you get too upset about the changes just remember how crappy MySpace looks these days.

MySpace reminds me of the web publishing boom of the mid-90's when geocities was king. Everyone with base understanding of HTML 4 or Netscape Composer would create these crappy pages with blinking text and "Under Construction" photos that never changed, leaving wastelands of half-done crappy sites. Heck, I wrote many of them myself. MySpace profile changers give people the ability to customize the site to their hearts at the expense of being APPEALING!!!!

I don't want to see horrid backgrounds with transparent text with some emo band blaring at me. Have some design sense when working on customizing your web presence. That is why this blog is so minimalist, less clutter, more focus on the content.

Anywho, I'm getting the Madrigal table ready in the morning and I could really use some 10:30-10:45 help. I'm also bummed that I have to tell my boss at 8 that I'm leaving at 9, but that's life.