Tuesday, January 23, 2007

11 Days Later...

So much to do, so much to see...


Bits and Pieces

So folks, the Saints lost. Life goes on, we all look forward to the draft and next season. I'm happy to think for once we earned a low draft spot because be played good and didn't make a stupid pick trade. Oh well. GO COLTS!

Sierra and I have formed the greatest writing partnership I have had thus far. I've never been really good with writing with other people (Case in point: The lost script "Woodstock or BUST" which as far as I know, no copies exist of anymore.) but working with the manic Miss Granger proved to make a script that I can take pride in it's insanity. It went around the SEC office and only Justin really didn't like it, which is fine by me. I think some changes need to happen to one or two of the jokes but I really don't know what to replace them with. It was just so nice to write something funny for once without a since of bitterness attached to it. Most of my comedy is too angry, this is just crazy.

Which I guess leads to my next point. MNL is back! I'm so happy to have the show coming back for a second year and not only to have it back, but to have it even stronger this year. Four scripts before auditions??? Cast excited to audition??? All paperwork on time and filled???


MNL is my baby, even more so than Improv Lite which I host. You see, in my eyes I am the Jay Leno of Improv Lite. I may reach the point of being good, but the guy before me was the master. MNL started with Mario, Ameer, and I deciding to try something new and now in it's second year we are seeing it grow right in front of us. It makes me proud to see that seed from last year grow into a tree.

SXSW updates will be coming soon. Hope to see what movies I'll be working and what movies I'll be running to this year. Gotta break last year's mark of 18 movies. That should be interesting.

Tonight's YouTube video will be one of the songs I plan to feature on the MNL pre-show, which I hope to be the funniest Powerpoint project ever written.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Hold on Folks!

I arrive tomorrow. Just in time for the Saints game.


It feels really weird going into a playoff game with the Saints favored to win. That's kinda like going into a bar at 16 and knowing your going to get hammered.

I wanna go home guys. I want to be back in Austin, enjoying the company of my friends and continuing to strive for something, right now I just feel in neutral. I want to go back to my little Dobie dorm room and find a way to pay for the next meal.

I'm going to call up Quoc, Ameer and the boys and get a Saints viewing party set up somewhere.

I want to give a profound rant right now but really can't. So here's some Cowboy Mouth.

Monday, January 08, 2007

In the wee hours of the night...

Coming at you from the depths of the delta.


Across the galaxy to the web browser of your choosing here are some new tibits about the life of Michael A. Domangue

Re-Registration begins for me tomorrow morning. I am removing Spanish (which was never registered to begin with) and replacing it with an Advertising course and The History of Rock Music. Ameer says it's hard but I should be suited for it.

I am still working on the script and should have some new pages done tommorow.

I'm ready to go back to Texas folks. I've picked up my toys and spent time with the parents. Now let's move on.

I'm about 60% set on moving in with Ameer at the end of the summer. He's my best bud and I shouldn't pass up the opportunity to have a good place to live with a good friend.

I miss Lauren Perdue. I miss talking to her. I wish she would let me talk to her.

(Note: Took a two-hour break after writing that sentence)

Lots of things to work on next semester. The most important of which is continuing to make sure I find out what is most important. This is a circular sentence but it basically sums up the problem. What is most important in my life? My Art? My Love for others? My Love for Myself? My Schoolwork? My Financial Stability? It's hard to just BE when so many want you to be something else. Everyone wants to make me better, including myself. But what is better?

Two videos from this post. Brother Danielson on the first.

and A Bob Dylan Classic

Remember the last performance night?

Friday, January 05, 2007

Behind Schedule and Proud of it!

So folks I'm happy to say that the first scene of A Finite Amount is written!

But two pages in three days!!!!!!!!!

Jeez I'm not happy about that.

Sitting at this desk is quite uncomfortable. The chair does not go up or down and is angled exactly where it needs to be to cause the most back pain. My chest congestion is also starting to flare up and basically it all adds up to distraction. Add to that my internet and WoW addiction and I've basically been unable to focus.

I'm going to try and finish another scene before I go to bed. At the rate of pages to scenes this could be less than the 30 pages I envisioned but the fun part of this whole project is that I don't have restrictions. If I want 20 pages I get it.

I'd host the pages on the site but I can't find a service for it. Quoc and Ameer will be getting them soon so e-mail them if you want a copy or IM if you are desperate.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Light a candle and watch this...

2007? But I liked 2006!

Ladies and Gentlemen!
Boys and Girls!
The Rajun Cajun!
The Bayou Beau!
The only film major to not like German cinema!

Michael Domangue is back!

Albeit in a PC-Not-Mac and Mississippi-not-Louisiana form.

Yeah folks, I'm in the deep south with a functioning internet account and my WoW discs planning to have some fun and maybe finish a script as well.

What's Happened to Finite Michael?

I'm glad you asked Italics man. Finite has morphed into A Finite Amount. What does this mean? It means we now have one 30 minute story with two leads instead of 5 10 minute stories with five leads. As much as I like the concept of small stories combined I started to realize as I was plotting out the stories that only two of them really figured into the equation of the theme. The theme being "What makes us human is how we react to other humans."

I find this theme is so important in these days when people try to say that the internet is creating a generation of zombies. Does this post sound like it was typed by a zom.... BRAINS!!!

But seriously, our generation uses technology to connect to people just like the last generation used the telephone and snail mail. The television is not an interactive medium, at least not without the help of expensive accessories like my Wii. The internet, technology itself is only used when the people decide that they want to use it.

Why do my two stories not feature one computer then? Because the human interaction I'm showing is of the very basic nature. Man and Woman, Man and Nature, Man and the Universe. The two characters are polar opposites connected together by chance and circumstance but in the two threads we both see a disconnect.

Enough about that.

How was everyone's New Years? Congrats to Dana and Josh for getting engaged and congrats to my Dad for getting engaged to miss Tracy Pierce. She's a very nice lady and I'll be happy to call her Step-Mom.

I'm sick right now with some sort of cyclical flu. I'm fine in the morning and feel like crap at night. Even now I'm starting to get some back aches and it's 8:30.

Feel free to leave me an IM at MDomangueA on AIM. I'll leave it on today and reply when possible.

Enjoy the rest of your break everyone. I've got 3 more hours of patching till WoW is ready so I'm going to enjoy my new Simpson's set.