Saturday, July 14, 2007

Angel... indeed

I'm feeling multiple waves of feelings right now and I thought I try to share some of them.

Angel Pedraza, one of my three roommates in my freshman year, passed away. This by itself would be shocking and heartbreaking. What adds to this is that he passed in March of this year. And I found out today.

I don't know how to react. Of course there is feelings of sadness, feelings of loss. Angel was a fellow RTF major and I always thought we'd patch things up and work on a project together down the line. You would like everything to nicely wrapped up when you lose someone but Angel and I were quite distant last year, and now I feel regret that we couldn't patch things up. We were all very different people in that dorm room, and we were all adapting to college life.

And then there's shock. Shock that the word never reached me. That I had to learn off of the Austin Film Society website when trying to apply for an internship. I can't believe that with the number of mutual friends that we made over freshman year that not one would contact me. I didn't read about it in the news, I didn't hear any notice of it through UT. You think the University would inform former roommates if an enrolled student passed away. I'm really upset that I had to learn this way. I'm partly to blame, I'll admit, having not keeping in touch with him, but I still wish I had known sooner.

Life, as you learn over and over again, is a fragile thing. If I ask one thing from you, is to find someone who you may have fallen out with, and see how they are doing, you don't always get the chance to.

R.I.P Angel, I will miss you.

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