Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Megan Berry!

3:49 AM
Wednesday Morning
3 Hours From Departure

Holed up in my dorm room, listening to Lou Reed while my roommate is AWOL. I realize that I promised Megan a birthday present. Well, here it is.


10 Years.

I've known Megan for a decade. Which means in terms of pure dates makes her the longest friend that I've ever had. She's been my friend when I was an awkward kid who lived in Lafayette. She was my friend when I decided to ignore all my LA friends and move to Nebraska. She was my friend through the good times, the bad times, and the really ugly times (I can remember my bald cut and my Screech cut!)

She was my girlfriend once. True fact. I never put her on my list of ex-girlfriends because in my book that is not a good list, she's always been more than just an ex-girlfriend to me. She's been a tireless supporter of me, even when I didn't support her. You see, I've been a jerk to her many many times, and yet whenever I make an ass out of myself, she's there to forgive me. She understands that I am a beast of hormones as well as a gentle soul, it's that kind of patience that is so rare to find these days, if I could rate her best trait it would be that forgiveness. That and her amazing talent (don't think I haven't forgotten about when you sang Joplin, it was awesome.)

I said earlier this year, on some of the earliest blog posts, that I was in love with Megan. I've never retracted those statements. I don't intend to ever retract that statement. It took me 10 years to fall in love with her, and it would take something far greater than an 8 hour distance to not have her holding my heart. Though I may date once or twice, I could never keep her too far from my thoughts.

So here is my present.

Megan? When can we have our first date?

You set the weekend, next semester, I'll gas up the car and drive out there. I'll wear my snazziest attire and my nice shoes. I'll spend the day trying to make up for the countless days I've been away. Because Megan, as stupid as I've been and as stupid as I will be in the future, know that the smartest decision I've made in life was keeping in touch with you.

You're no longer a teenager, and I'm no longer blind.

Happy Birthday!

Monday, December 18, 2006

"Finite" The YouTube MixTape

Well folks I was going through the five stories and I wanted to give my potential leads some ideas as to what the theme of each story is. So in the spirit of that I have found five YouTube videos to demonstrate what I am going for for each video. This will take the record for most YouTube videos in a post for the blog but I think it's still a nice touch to give everyone an idea of where I'm going.

Dead Day
Everybody Hurts - REM

He Called Back
It's Oh So Quiet - Bjork

Every Day Needs A Party
Finding Out True Love is Blind - Louis XIV (Listen to the lyrics!)

Does He Love You - Rilo Kiley

Born To Run - Bruce Springsteen (This is stretching it but I couldn't find a better song yet)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Six Months? SIX MONTHS?

That's right folks. I have managed to keep this hunk of web space breathing for half a year now and I'm damn happy about it.

There's been some close calls (the recent drought due to World of Warcraft and Madrigal) but I remain convinced of the usefulness of this blog and I hope that one day it will spread like wildfire and make me a huge star, or at least a spot on a panel show.

Anyway I'm setting aside today to focus on finishing Kevin's ad's for the Resource Center and then I will start studying for my last final. Here's a video to celebrate.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thought I had died?

Ok folks, I'll have an actual post after the final tonight but I have to share the following outline I wrote up today.

We're making a movie!


An Outline for a Five Fingers Production

What makes us human?


What makes us human is how we relate to other humans. All of our core emotions, the primal base of which we have laid eons of useless layers on top of, are based off human interaction. Love, fear, acceptance. It takes two to tangle folks.

We are Generation Y. Not by choice, most of us hate that term. We are considered to be the sequel to Generation X. We are post-modern, we are mobile, we are obsessed with technology. OBSESSED! YouTube, Google, Myspace, Facebook, Yahoo, E-mail, E-commerce, E-life. We are the thing sci-fi writers dreamed of. Cyborgs, human life that could not live without the assistance of electronic tools.

We have used this technology in amazing ways but if you take a close look, a real look at what Generation Y is doing, you'll notice a pattern. They are trying to reach out to more people. To connect with humanity is what makes us human.

Four weeks every year millions of college students pour over billions and billions of pages of text, online and off, trying to get that grade they are looking for. It's called finals week and its sole purpose is to test the will of young people.

That is where we find humanity in five normal students who go to the University of Texas at Austin. Five people, five days, five stories. Trying to stay above water. In this time we see sides of humanity normally reserved or glossed over.

The stories so far...
(All stories are tenitive prior to shooting. This list may not reflect the final film)
Dead Day- He has nothing to do, and nobody to share that with.
He Called Back- Excitement abounds after a voice-mail check.
Every Day Needs A Party- Moderation? This is college!
Driving- Long-Distance-Not-Quite-A-Relationship
The Last Test- A senior only needs to finish this test. If only she had gone to class.