Sunday, October 28, 2007

No More Facebook Feeds, We're Off The Grid

You're already the voice inside my head

And have been for years.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Angel... indeed

I'm feeling multiple waves of feelings right now and I thought I try to share some of them.

Angel Pedraza, one of my three roommates in my freshman year, passed away. This by itself would be shocking and heartbreaking. What adds to this is that he passed in March of this year. And I found out today.

I don't know how to react. Of course there is feelings of sadness, feelings of loss. Angel was a fellow RTF major and I always thought we'd patch things up and work on a project together down the line. You would like everything to nicely wrapped up when you lose someone but Angel and I were quite distant last year, and now I feel regret that we couldn't patch things up. We were all very different people in that dorm room, and we were all adapting to college life.

And then there's shock. Shock that the word never reached me. That I had to learn off of the Austin Film Society website when trying to apply for an internship. I can't believe that with the number of mutual friends that we made over freshman year that not one would contact me. I didn't read about it in the news, I didn't hear any notice of it through UT. You think the University would inform former roommates if an enrolled student passed away. I'm really upset that I had to learn this way. I'm partly to blame, I'll admit, having not keeping in touch with him, but I still wish I had known sooner.

Life, as you learn over and over again, is a fragile thing. If I ask one thing from you, is to find someone who you may have fallen out with, and see how they are doing, you don't always get the chance to.

R.I.P Angel, I will miss you.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Two posts for the price of one.

For some reason the last post I did never made it on facebook. No bother, this one should be short and sweet.

I just took a look at the wedding photos from Travis and Amy's wedding and I just gotta say that it looked amazing. Thanks Vivi for taking such great shots, you all looked fantastic and I just love seeing the whole gang together looking super snazzy. I really need to stop leaving Austin for the summer because you guys go out and do plays and get married and I'm stuck washing fig stains out of my factory outfit. I should be back in about 40-50 days give or take and I can't wait to see you all again.

On a similar note getting Mario back in the fall is like having your favorite character of a TV show leave and then come back a few seasons later. I miss the fella and I can't wait to go back, lose ten bucks a week, and return to the ballroom. I truly believe this upcoming semester will be my best 4 months of my life, that's my goal at least.

In other news.

E3 is back, and it's much much smaller. But that hasn't stopped my heart from getting caught in my throat after all the announcements. I won't go into detail here but let me just give you a quick top five list.

I first got my grnadmother to buy GTA III and I've been addicted ever since.
4. Halo 3
Do I have to say anything.
3. WiiFit
Should go well with the diet cola and diet pills I'll be taking in the fall
2. Super Smash Brothers Wii
You haven't lived til you've played a 99 life match
1. ROCK BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111ZOMG
Downloadable Songs, Who's Next, Drums and a Mic, this game may just own my soul.

Expect a bigger post this weekend. I got a surprise for you.

A Quick One While He's Away (Facebook Link)

Monday, July 09, 2007

Sleep, it's optional

I can't really seem to hit the sack right now so I thought I would talk to you folks a little bit about dating.

It seems to me that I should have fully moved on by now and have at least made a passing attempt at starting a relationship. I've been single since January of 06'. Making this probably the longest stretch since middle school that I haven't been dating. I think 18 months is long enough to start getting back into the game huh?

I realize that the fact that I've had confidence issues has turned a quite a few people off. I understand being a guy who is prone to instances of both extreme self-doubt and delusions of grandeur is not in any way an attractive quality. However, I am confident that I am fixing these problems. Come next fall it will be interesting to see how I handle trying to get back on the market.

I often wonder about the mistakes I made in past relationships. I've probably monday-morning quarterbacked every single one, trying to find an answer to a question that has eluded people far smarter than me. Fear plays a part, fear of intimacy, fear of controlling or being controlled. I think it may all come down to the simple fact that if you don't have your act together, how are you supposed to handle the weight of two becoming one?

Mimi, in RENT, said that she was "looking for baggage that goes with mine." When you can find someone who can begin to understand where you are coming from, it makes the future journey so much easier. I think next time, I'll start by looking for matching baggage.

Love Heals (Facebook Link)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Do you care? Do you think you care?

Live 8
Live Aid
Farm Aid
Live Earth
Live Farm the 8 Earth's Aid

I don't mean to dismiss the contributions to society that these mega-concerts do but it does say something about our culture that we consider the best way to discuss global warming is to wrap the message around massive concerts. Even the future of our planet has to have some entertainment damnit!

I finally am encourage by my generation. We got this massive influx of technology at a very young age and now we're finally starting the baby step towards using it for good and not just porn and music downloads. We're starting the inevitable war against our parents' generation and we really have only one person to thank for our increasing awareness.

George W. Bush

I used to defend Bush. Back in high school I was of the opinion that he was unfairly picked on and he was stuck in a situation that no one could have done better in. Now, I honestly think anyone in the SEC office could run the country better than him. Along with Mr. "What Branch Am I Again?" Cheney he has managed to unite almost the whole country AGAINST him. I thought it would take a draft to unite the youth movement, but all he needed to do was put MY friends and many other people's friends, neighbors, and siblings in harm's way for no clear goal and no positive outcome. When I read about those we lose in war it makes me want to work hard to make sure the rest of them get home safe. Thank you Mr. Bush, for proving me wrong and getting gen Y to work.

In other news...

The counseling is going amazing well. We're getting to the core issues and I'm already starting to see improvements in how I deal in crowds. The next few sessions should continue to show progress and I'm really hopeful that I will not have the problems I had last year pop back up again.

The script is now in it's third revision (currently 2nd Draft 2nd Revision.) I think we should have the script locked by August 1st so I can send out feelers for casting before I even reach Austin. My plan is to start shooting at the SEC office almost right out of the gate so we can build momentum for the harder shooting later on. Other than that no real tidbits on that project. Though don't be surprised if you see a new YouTube video before leaving Ohio.

Write on my Honesty Box folks. It might brighten up a bad day, you never know.

Sunny Hours (Facebook Link)

Saturday, June 30, 2007

When the mind is fractured,

It's time for...

Bits and Pieces

Thursday I had my first visit with my counselor here in Ohio. The meeting, even as a first step "evaluation", was very helpful in looking at a few things. I can't really predict what we're going to work on but I will say that we talked a lot about the fact that there is almost two Michael's. Before 7th grade there was only the shy, introspective Michael, and then afterwards came the outgoing, very loud and dramatic Michael. I've been thinking about this for a couple of years but I still don't understand why it is. I just hope we don't kill the dramatic Michael just before Madrigal. :)

The script for "Musings from Austin, Texas" is now on it's second draft. I let my mom read through the first draft and she gave a few suggestions, one of which was to completely re-vamp half the script. So that's what I'm doing, completely rewriting the second act, removing a character, and trying to freshen up some of the others. I may finish it up on Sunday but I'm expecting to use some of my July 4th vacation time to do so. I'm also thinking about calling up some friends of the female persuasion to help rewrite some lines. I'll be honest, I can't write women, I suck at it.

Piracy is a hobby of mine. Having two modded consoles and access to some primo download sites lets me save some money on games. But piracy ain't free folks. Modchips, installation, blank media and other accessories add up. So when I discovered that my stack on blank DVD's wasn't burning my Wii games right I was ticked. I went down to Best Buy and got me an amazing deal. Verbatim 25-pack of DVD+R for $8.99. Right next to that was Verbatim 50-packs for $29.99. So I bought two of the 25's for a little under 20 and went home and did some testing. Sure enough, they burn the Wii games just fine. Now I just have to pray I don't get banned from Xbox Live before Halo 3.

Die-Hard 4. See it with your brain turned off and disregard 1-3 and you'll get a kick out of it. I'll give it 2.5 stars out of 4.

Who's That Guy? (Facebook Link)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Alamo Drafthouse Blog-a-Thon: Nilbog is Goblin Spelled Backwards!

When the word came out that Jette Kernion (the go-to Austin guy at was asking for Alamo Drafthouse memories in honor of the closing of the Alamo downtown, I thought about what one moment defined the Alamo experience to me.

Was it seeing my girlfriend at the time woo a crowd of rollergirls to a stunning rendition of hopelessly devoted to you?

Was it playing Halo 2 on the massive screen and yelling obscenities without one complaint?

Was it any of those amazing moments while volunteering at SXSW like when I got on the "This Film is Not Yet Rated" DVD?

Nah. None of those come close to the moment last fall when me and a group of amazing friends went to a midnight screening of Troll 2.

I had first watched Troll 2 when I was around 8 or 9. I was channel surfing one Saturday morning when I came upon Cinemax. I started watching it and I couldn't really tell that the movie was bad until the young boy defeated the goblins by eating a double-decker sandwich. Even at 9, I could tell that killing goblins with bologna was not exactly the most cinematic of ideas.

Fast foward 10 years and I'm at a Weird Wednesday with my good friend Sierra. We're all walking out after the movie when the host that night says "Oh! We're playing Troll 2 soon!"

My jaw hit the floor.

I hadn't seen that movie in 10 years and yet the title still was stuck in my head just because of its pure badness. I told everyone I could that they should prepare for Troll 2. The day of the screening comes and I'm thinking it's going to be a regular Terror Thursday. I check the website and my jaw drops again. Now by this time I am looking at a) a swollen jaw and b) a sold out screening because they are bringing cast members!


These people are human? Get outta town. With the acting I had saw I would have assumed incomplete robots. I start letting even more of my friends know about the screening, trying to get a posse to see this because I know it will blow them away. Finally, I think we got about 10 people to come to the Alamo. We're waiting in line when the dad from the movie comes out to talk to the people in the line. There's a camera behind him and we later find out, as we're signing the releases, that they are working on a doc about the cult following. The guy is truly a nice fellow and I enjoy telling him that this movie has already scarred me for life.

The screening was pure Alamo. Midnight, school night, packed house, free cookies and milk, Q&A. All the little things that make the drafthouse the best theater I've ever been to. I get to ask the cast a question, got some goblin masks, but most importantly, share this amazing movie and this amazing screening with a big group of friends. When I look at that night I see why I love living in Austin, and why I love my friends.

I'll miss the downtown location, but as long as I can take the 1 or the 5 to the Ritz, and as long as they keep showing the movies that nobody else will touch, then I will continue to be there as much as possible.

Monday, June 18, 2007

100 Posts, A Million Memories

Sunday was a historic day. A fantastic day.

And it was also father's day. Call your dad(s) if you haven't.

This is a two part post. Part one is about the newest project from Five Donkey Films. Part two is about the future of the blog and the future for me.

So I can finally reveal a few things about the script. The official title, and the one that will most likely stick this time, is "Musings From Austin, Texas"

Yeah, I named it after the blog. The reason being that the script really reflects that kind of spirit that the blog represents, a mixture of heartfelt emotion and overwhelming ideas about life. The script is a simple story about Ameer and I, on the last day of finals in May 2008. It's about friendship, it's about courage, it's about finding it in yourself to do the impossible. It's also funny.

When the script started coming together over this past month I decided that since the script is over 20 pages it's right around the size of a festival short, actually it's a bit longer, but still inside the length limits. This means that I am considering sending it out to local and regional film festivals to see if we are progressing. In order to do this though I had to sacrifice my massive music collection for the soundtrack and seek out music that was cleared for use. That means using stuff like creative commons and public domain music, but I'm not too keen on that stuff, so I called up some friends.

The following artists are allowing their music to be used for FREE in "Musings From Austin, Texas"
Kaare Egedahl
People Machine
0 for 7

That gives me over two albums worth of music to choose from. Brett from 0 for 7 also told me that other acts may be interested so this list may grow much larger before we get ready to put together the soundtrack. All three acts are friends of mine so it's nice that even the music is keeping in theme of friendship. In the case of Kaare, I've known the guy since I was TWO, I think my mom has some adorable pictures of him from my third birthday party at McDonald's.

The script was completed Sunday morning, at least the first draft. Meaning we can start shooting as soon as I can get my cast together. I will be doing auditions for the character of Liz, who is the major female character and probably the most important piece of casting I will do in college. I'll be e-mailing several actresses from both Gigglepants and Madrigal to ask them to come on in and read with Ameer.

The pieces are coming together in pre-production. Now Quoc and I have to tear apart the script and see how the hell we're going to shoot this with no money and only weekends to spare. The excitement is building folks, stay tuned for more info.

And now to talk about the future...

I blog for both myself and my friends. There is also however a third audience. That audience is in fact history. I looked back at the previous 99 posts before writing this one, and it told the history of my sophomore year in college. From the last days in Cedar Point, to my brief infatuation with cast mates, to project after project after project, to success, to failure, and finally to hitting bottom. 11 months, 100 posts, all telling a story both intensely private and immediately public.

The next 100 posts will continue to be honest, introspective, and hopefully funny. The blog will be therapy, practice, and a sounding board for my thoughts. The great thing is I have no idea how many readers I have, either on facebook notes, or on the blog itself. That helps, not having to please anyone with what I write here.

I promise you to keep writing what I have always written, my life. No more, no less. Stay tuned, the next 100 are going to be fun.

SBTB "Friends Forever" (Facebook Link)

Friday, June 15, 2007

The 99th Post

From sub-urban Ohio.
Land of green grasses.
Where the neighbors water each others plants.

Bits and Pieces
Chunky Edition

So I had been planning on writing this before LAST weekend, but I've been a little flustered with writing in general so I took some time off and worked on leveling up my World of Warcraft character. He's now a level 51 out of 70 and I should be ready to do some of the larger content in the game by the end of the summer, which was my goal.

Whenever I write a script I usually have a large break between the first half and the second half of writing. I run out of creative steam around the mid-point and I have to rethink things. I should be getting back to work real soon though and getting the first draft done. I plan on doing some rewrites before the summer is done and hopefully start shooting with a second draft script around September.

As for the untitled movie I will be announcing some MAJOR information about it on the 100th post. I've been talking to people over the past week, getting things in place, and I can say already we have stuff planned that is significantly larger than anything Quoc and I have done.

I've been home alone right now for about 11 days. The parents decided to enjoy a trip to Italy and I've been left with some food money and a daily list of things to do. Some days have been better than others. Like today I was feeling light headed for most of the day so I had to take an extra nap. I've also been trying to get a therapist set up here but they have been hard as hell to get them on the phone to set up an appointment. So right now the mental health situation is solid but not improving much.

Let me be more in depth. I'm feeling much more confident about how I am going to do next year when it comes to school and all that. I just wish I could continue the progress I made on identifying my core issues. I'm not a wreck folks, I'm just hoping to understand some things better. Why I do things, how I can do them better, that's all.

OH! Big important information! I have a new cell phone number, I'll put this on a separate note later but my new number is 419-619-6061. Please update your address books, or add it if you never bothered to call me ever. Also, and this is not a requirement but a request, I put up an honesty box on my facebook profile and nobody has put anything on mine yet. I pour my heart out for you folks, let's see a little payback.

Piracy! It's a good thing. The Xbox 360 may be banned from online play (not sure, don't want to find out) but the backups still work and the Wii just got a new modchip today! All is golden. I've been adding some new movies as well and with that 5.1 surround system I won I can play those downloaded movies on my TV finally. I've been also thinking about a movie night when I get back, how does this sound?

1) Hostel: Part 2 (Bootleged off of a Workprint copy)
2) Troll 2
3) Grease 2!!!!!!!

100th post this weekend. 1 Year Anniversary next month. The next post will be about my plans for life in the future. The 1 year anniversary will be about the past and history of my writing. Expect a gift in July.

And a final note. A political bits and pieces.

Harry Reid, I'm asking you to grow a pair. I know it may be hard, you are a career politician, but the people who gave you power told you pretty clearly why they gave you that power, to bring my friends home. Now, Mr. Reid, you should pay attention and start shaking things up. The people will support you if you decide to take the White House on so don't worry. Bring them home.

Musings From Austin Texas is not endorsing any presidential candidate right now, but we encourage whoever wins the nomination to add Bill Richardson as the Vice Presidential nominee. He has the most qualification of any candidate on either side of the race and he'd make the most powerful diplomat in a time in which we need to rediscover diplomacy. Obama/Richardson or Clinton/Richardson either way, we need that kind of experience in the White House.

That is all...

Free Bird (Link for Facebook Readers)

Friday, June 01, 2007

#98 is about the weight

288 Pounds

288 POUNDS!?!

This is horrible. I've spent almost two weeks at the biscuit factory sweating my butt off and I'm at 288. Which means I was probably close to 300 when I left college last month. No wonder some of my shirts were starting to not fit.

Folks, if you've ever wondered what hitting bottom looks like, keep reading this blog.

I have to rebuild so much in this next year. I have to rebuild my whole system of living, what I eat, how I study, how I deal with relationships and friendships. All these things need to be better because towards the end last semester they all started falling apart. I mean, here is what it comes down to. If I can't find a way to make myself happy, how in the world am I supposed to keep moving at this pace that I've set?

My mom and I (and my stepdad and my sister...) talked about how basically I've been relying on external praise and support almost solely. It's the "Actor's Drug" the need to feel loved by everyone at every time. It kinda makes since now looking back at how often I hogged the mic at film committee screenings. The approval of a crowd, it's the ultimate high. But I'm starting to realize that the external confidence started to replace the confidence I had inside of me. Now, there is very little left, and I'm stuck trying to getting more and more of it, stretching me to the limits.

Am I rambling yet?

Madrigal Night Live 2. I co-produced, I directed some shorts, I wrote some scripts, I acted in over half the sketches. I used to say that like it was a badge of honor, now I realize that I was trying to grab as much spotlight as I could get my hands on, my skin only felt warm underneath the glow of stage lighting. Jeez, writing this I realize how zealous I turned out to be.

I have to learn to love myself. I'll repeat. I have to learn to love myself.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The 97th Post is about... The Woes of Biscuits

There are so many things I could be blogging about right now with summer starting up. But before I get into all of those and before I start planning the 100th post celebration. I thought I should talk about the current issue facing me.

My current job sucks.

It took a whole week to go through the hiring process and then when I arrived my first day they kept me in the break room for over an hour before sending me home. Apparently the job I signed up for is part of a temp agency and I'm starting to seriously doubt that I'll be able to make a 40hr/week job out of this. Therefore I sent in an application to a Blockbuster here in town and I'm hoping I can get hired by them real soon before my mom and I have a fist-fight.

The biscuit factory is cool and all and they have a nice shift and break schedule, but if I can't work for them full time then it's a waste of time. And lets face it, a film major with three years of customer service experience would fit MUCH better at a blockbuster than at a factory. Some of those people are creeeeepy.

In other news...

The untitled script now has a title and about five pages written. I'm now guessing the final script to be around 20 pages or so, probably less because I'm condensing a lot of the action writing and they'll end up being much larger on screen than on the page. I'm saving the title for the 100th post and I haven't e-mailed any pages because I want to finish the first act before I start giving it out. I also have the whole cast down in my head and I just need to lock them up. Including Ameer's love interest! That was by far the hardest casting I had to think of.

Get ready for more updates as soon as I hear from Blockbuster.

Friday, May 11, 2007

I'm such a tease.

What features a chase scene in a library...
A TA whose only goal is destruction...
A party scene shot using the state-of-the-art "Q" Cam...
And much much more?

You'll find out in 08'

"20-21" ( Temporary Title)
Starring Ameer Mobarak and Michael Domangue

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The 95th Blog Post is About Nebraska

I just checked my stats and it looks like I am five posts away from 100. That one will be a doozy I promise you.

Now onto the meat.

In less than an hour I will be finally checked out of dobie and on my way towards I-35. The goal today is to make the 12-13 hour trip to Nebraska. If my car had a flux capaciter it would only increase the irony that yes, I am going back to the future.

Two years ago my only goal was escape, as quickly as possible. Now, on the verge of my return, my only goal is to see what fragments of my past are still there for me to witness. Most of my old friends will not see me, either by choice, by distance, or by inability to do so. So the landmarks will do most of the talking.

Maybe I'll see Spidey 3 at the theatre.
Maybe I'll stop by Sun Mart for the chicken strips.
Maybe I'll drive by AHS and thank Falter, Weiss, and Ms J.
Maybe I'll sit in the park, reminding myself of the No You concert that kicked off an amazing summer so many years ago

Can one, by returning to a place of both pain and pleasure find something in himself that he lost, or forgot? Whereas my days in Louisiana are but sugared memories, my memories of the midwest are still somewhat raw, still clouded by passions. Is there anything left in that town of 3,000 that can answer the question "Am I better now for having once been here?"

This day will bring a range of emotions. But if you see me around the streets of Auburn, Nebraska on Wednesday, understand I do not come to bury Bobby Bouche, I come here to praise him.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The digital middle finger

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

These magic hex numbers are the key to disabling DRM on HD-DVD's. Sites all around the internet are being forced to take down this number. Why is a number illegal?

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

Spread the magic.
Fight the MPAA.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Going back

I'm not going to lie. The fact that I am giddy to return to Nebraska shocks me.

Positively giddy.

I get two chances a year to truly be free. Once in May, and once in August. Those times I pack up my car with all my important belongings and I drive. I drive by myself, with no concerns, no worries, no self-doubt, no thoughts about life outside the stretch of pavement ahead of me. These trips cleanse my soul, they are that good.

This year, having two past road trips go really well, I decided to plan something a little different. I'm taking four days this year. In these four days I travel from Austin to Lincoln, NE. From Lincoln to somewhere in Illinois. And from Illinois to Findlay, OH. It's a giant inverted L of a trip and it gives me a rare opportunity.


I haven't been in Lafayette more than an hour or two since December of 2001. That to me is one of my biggest regrets. Not being able to look back at my roots and see the spots that made me who I am. Now, for 24 hours, I get to go back to the state that changed my life forever. More importantly, I get to see the friends who I treasure. These guys were with me when I was snatching gold medals, and when I went through my darker days. Their support was key to me being able to last four years there.

Auburn High School

I am burning DVDs today with some of my favorite RTF shorts. I'm considering passing them out to some of my old AHS teachers. Falter would definitely be the first to get one. I'm even wanting to talk to Ms. Fuller. Just to say hi and maybe even apologize for some of my earlier missteps.

I even want some Cotty's burgers.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


There was a time, back when I created this blog, when I thought that if I used this space to discuss things that weren't focused squarely on me, then I was doing the blog a disservice and would be going back to the fiery Michael of old. The Michael who ranted too much. But frankly I no longer feel content sitting on the sidelines of politics anymore. I spent four years worth of weekends talking about politics to whoever was unfortunate enough to get saddled with an extemp judge position. After those four years and an unpleasant experience with the Nebraska Young Democrats on the road in South Dakota, I decided to stay away from such issues.

That time of retreat is over. The time to feign ignorance or claim apathy is finished.

My generation, you have yet to take back the flag of resistance that your parents dropped when they began to purchase imported silk ties. Take a look at the situation around you. Our president is now at about a 37% approval rating. That means that all he has left is the hardcore of the hardcore. Nobody is acting like we are protecting America anymore. All we are doing in Iraq is proving to ourselves that nobody likes to read history. And I'm here to warn you folks, even Nixon ran on a "disengagement" platform.

The leaders of this country understand that as long as the draft is not on the table that we as a generation will not have the willpower to fight them. Nothing makes someone say "Cut and Run" faster than a kid who just found out that he may not get the chance to flip burgers five miles from his mom's house.

I am going to include three videos here. Two are from a McCain interview on The Daily Show that was quite disheartening to watch and the other is a link to a video from MSNBC about fear mongering.

Click here for the MSNBC clip

Click here for the Daily Show Interview

Monday, April 23, 2007

Blogging On A Budget

When you can't afford those damn full size blog posts...


I'm listening to "Jungleland" by The Boss right now and I have to say, nobody sings and epic like Bruce Springsteen sings an epic. Damn!

I'm deciding that I need one more solid semester here at UT before I think I can turn the corner. By turn the corner I mean reach a place where I can begin to fix some problems that have been bugging me for over a decade and I didn't even realize it. I've got so much baggage I don't even know where's the best place to unpack it.

Would you like to hear a bombshell?

I went in for counseling last week. I had spent a whole day on my bed last week and I realized I was hitting some sort of psychological bottom and I needed to change some things. I went in on Friday and after talking for about an hour I realize that at the core of all of my problems right now is a massive case of self-doubt. I think I can trace all my issues to the fact that I am my own worst critic, that the person who I've been thinking of conspiracy theories about is me. I'm going to work on a several-stage routine to try and break down some issues and work on rebuilding my self-esteem. I'm not promising a "New Michael" come this fall. I'm promising a work-in-progress.

I got an amazing letter today from a good friend from my middle school days. She wrote about a couple of things but she also mentioned an appreciation for my writings and it really gave me the boost to do some fiction writing today.

So I normally announce projects before I start working on them but today I have the fortune to announce a project after writing 25% of it!

"The Last Days in Georgia" is a short story with three chapters and a prologue. It deals with a powerful man and the regrets he faces in the last days of his life. I'm trying to keep things vague and the prologue will not explain one lick of the rest of the story but I beg you to stick with it and continue to read the blog as I release the story in bits here and there when I have them ready. The prologue will go up later tonight if I can get one person to read it first.

The YouTube video will show one influence on the story, it by no means is a hint on the content.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A somber tone...

April 20th, 1999
September 11th, 2001
April 16th 2007

I remember these days. They are burned in my head as much as they are in the people in my same age range. I remember where I was, what I did, the locations are vivid, the aftermath clear. These are not days that I want to mark in the mental diary that I keep, but I must, I must hold on to those memories, if only to remind me of the precious nature of life, the fragility, and to understand the unpredictability of our road to the future.

My heart goes out deeply to all of those who have been affected by these events. My heart goes out even more to those my age, whose life is forever altered because of three hellish hours.


The mourning must not be interrupted by those who seek to try and find a "Cause." A cause to these people is simply something to blame. Let people bury the dead, treat the wounded, reflect, and then, and only then, should you start looking at how this can happen. Don't let this become another columbine where the 24-hour media decided that music, movies, and video games caused a massacre.


I heard people asking why, how can somebody do this? The answer is not easy to hear but we must accept the fact that people get left behind. People who have problems, who lose the ability to ask for help, who get lost in the shuffle, and who get caught in a cycle of hatred and detachment and then begin to believe that they do not have the problem, the world around them is the problem. This is a truly catastrophic combination of circumstances. It doesn't happen often, and it isn't easy to see, and frankly I wouldn't begin to offer a solution to this problem. But we must understand that inside of a human lies the ability to do great good, and great evil.

I would like to lighten the mood with a YouTube video, but I can't. What I am going to do is show an example of context. On Saturday, this video was funny.

Today, it's not. The context of comedy is so fickle.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

I feel like George Bush

I don't get the American people.

The box office numbers just came in for Grindhouse on Friday and they are bad.

Like "Hey Hey You You I Don't Like Your Girlfriend" bad.

$5 Million on Friday means that Grindhouse is now officially the biggest bomb for these two directors since "Four Rooms." And I don't get it. Don't you people like explosions and violence and cars and women? Weren't these movies designed for MASS POPCORN CONSUMPTION? And yet outside of Austin, NYC, LA, and other metros this movie probably died a quick death. And it boggles my mind.

Grindhouse is a Texas movie. If this movie had a belt buckle it would be the size of my head. Seeing Shiner and the Alamo Drafthouse on the big screen brought a smile to my face. This double feature was a damn fine three hours and now I feel like I'm going to have to pitch this movie in ten years instead of sharing quotes from it. It's disheartening. Catch it on sunday folks, encourage good Austin cinema or you won't have it anymore.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Jeez, folks. So, Like get this

i was reading some my girlz myspaces and like, these ho's dont know NEthing. talking bout MM (thast modest mouse for all you noods out their) and they think float on was the best song EVER!!

bullshite teeheeheehee

float on is so mainstream it mights as wel wear extensions. LIke I was a MM fan BEFORE float on was on MTV, back when it played on FUSE. FUSE FTW! these biches actg all hardcore but they need to shut their traps and get in line, maybe get a xanga LOLROFTLOMG!

anywho, does anyone wanna chill out at the hot topic??????!!!!! i am like soooo needing a nirvana T right now its not EVEn funny!!!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Hey Sis! And In Other Words...

It's time for everyone's favorite variety of bite-sized blogging goodness.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present...

Bits and Motherf'in Pieces

My blogging software got an unexpected upgrade when I rebooted Firefox today. Its parent company got axed so it changed from Performancing to ScribeFire. Oooohhh... ScribeFire. I like it!

The vacation has been refreshing so far. I've gotten plenty of good advice from a range of people and I think I know where I went wrong and where I want to improve if given the chance to interview for the film chair position again. I no longer believe I was purposefully humbled, but it did anyway. I'm actually typing up my concepts for ideas to move the committee forwards.

Hey Sis! Thanks for reading the blog but I'm not upset.

Two post-MNL projects lined up right now. Me and Quoc will be working on concepts for a music video and I am prepping concepts for a project that I will only call "The Ohio Project."

"The Ohio Project" is an interesting idea that I've been toying around with for awhile but the actual plot of the project just came to me a few days ago. In order for it to work I'm going to have to master a type of shot that Quoc and I have never even attempted. The story is simple, but as well, I've never written anything like this before. The whole point of this project is to get out of my comfort zone.

When I do some proof of concept shots I'll release them as a teaser for the complete project but I think I would like to write some of the script down before I go yapping about it anymore.

That's all for today. Here's a solo in dedication to my new favorite video game. The Godfather for Wii

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I fight for what I love.

If one thing stays constant in my life it is the above statement. That part of me never changes, no matter how "mature" or "responsible" I become. I fight for the things that I love.

I had a talk today with the president-elect of the SEC. I did not talk to Ameer sadly. Ameer was not allowed to talk, so instead I was told by the president-elect that I was not chosen because the decision makers did not want to fill the position. There are a million ways to take this statement and if I wanted to I could choose to form a conspiracy theory that would make all those area 51 and WTC 7 guys look like suits. But here is how I am going to take it...

I was humbled today.

I was brought down a notch because for the past year I believed a chair position was waiting for me. Most people around me would agree that my position all along was not if I was going to be chair but what chair would I run for. This assumption of mine was never questioned. It was questioned today.

So now I go back to the drawing board. Tonight I am going to watch Big Fish, but not as a member of the film committee. I'm going to wait in line and flash my student ID because for the next week I am not going to be a part of the SEC. There is no other way to put this, this is 50% whiny-boy protest and 50% head-cleaning time. I can't separate the two from each other. When I return next Thursday I will apply, once more, for the position of film chair. To all of you reading this, I would appreciate if more film committee members with strong ideas run for the chair position. There's a good four or five of you who have the ability there to be a great chair.

I told the president-elect that today I felt like I was dumped. I still have that feeling. I haven't had a dry eye all day and it's starting to hurt. But, in spite of it all, I love film, I love the film committee, I love the people who make up the SEC, and because of that love, I'm going to fight to keep it.

While I'm on the subject of love...

I rarely do this, and I really should do more of it in case she forgets.

I declare my love for you Megan, and I declare my intent to keep on fighting for that love.

Taking a vacation

I'm just letting all of you know that I will be taking a one week break from my SEC duties starting immediately. The reason for this is probably already spreading around so I find no need to bring it up here. I will be back in the office next Thursday and at that point I will have a decision on my future with the organization.

It brings me no happiness to say these things, it brings no relief as well. I've been holding back tears for two hours right now and I just need to take some well-deserved time off to figure things out.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A war with one man, and no enemy

So I had a post planned full of ranting and raving about how the SEC was trampling my first amendment rights.

I deleted that crap five minutes ago.

What actually occurred today was that I managed to pout for a good half a day and the SEC took a small step towards forming new policy about artistic speech. Notice how I didn't say student speech? This is partially about that, but more importantly it's about focusing on having a set of standards for content across the SEC.

The current policy about controversial content is simple. If the adviser thinks it may be offensive, then the content is not cleared. I do not know if this is written policy, but it's what I've faced over the semester. This policy is basically de facto censorship. But after talking to advisers, chairs, friends, and myself, I would like to announce a new draft policy that I will be bringing up next week.

1) Content in SEC events can only be prohibited if it does not meet the "community standards" of the attendees of the event and the members (staff and students) of the SEC. (This protects first amendment rights with regard to obscenity laws.)
2) If the content of the event may be considered offensive (as decided by the adviser) then a disclaimer must be attached to every printed advertisement of the event as well as signs placed in front of the event entrance.
3) If the content of the event does not reflect the views of the SEC, the Texas Union, the University of Texas, or the specific location of the event, a notice of such must be placed in front of the event and all print materials handed out during the event.

These three points should help with allowing more controversial content into artistic events and provide protection from complaints.

What this all comes down to is the future. The future for Madrigal Night Live is in making great sketch comedy. Great comedy sometimes confronts society with itself. In order to do that you have to have the freedom to say thing everyone won't agree with. I really think that we can grow into this future and I believe that with good communication and setting new policy we can do it.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Loving SXSW

Thanks for all the birthday wishes folks, you brightened my already great day. Here's a video for you.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

My Wii is about to be SUPERCHARGED

Normally my videos are at the end of the post but is so AMAZINGLY funny that it needs to go on top.

Three days...

Wow. I can't wait to no longer be a teenager. Talk about 7 years you don't want to repeat.

SXSW bag stuffing is tonight and then after that spring break truly begins because my Wii is getting modded by a man who introduced the external modchip wii mod to the world. He lives in west campus and he's going to help me install an open-source wii modchip that should play any backups I want. I'm really hoping it goes well and after finding out he posted the exact mod I wanted, I'm even more excited.

Modchip impressions will be coming late tonight.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Damn Man! You Guys Rock!

You know that moment when you feel like your the first to discover something great? You pass it around to all your friends saying "HERE! THIS IS THE FUTURE! AND YOUR AN IDIOT IF YOU DON'T GET IT!"

I'm in the middle of that moment.

Kaare Egedahl, a man I've known since we were TWO, sent me a facebook invite to showcase the reforming of a band, or at least that's how I read it. Now, I haven't spoken to Kaare since the last day of middle school and since I last viewed his facebook profile when I added him, it seemed that he grew up well, with a bit more facial hair then I remember when he was 13. But when he linked his band's profile...


The shock came from the realization that not one, but three middle school friends of mine where in this band.
The awe came from the the first few notes, this was not the music I remember Kaare being into when I last knew him. I had to remind myself, he introduced me to Korn when I was addicted to VH1, indirectly leading to me becoming a music lover.
The beauty came from the music. Lyrics, they were an instrument, not a device. The music was a wave of audio, this was far more mature than the music that had come out of SE Nebraska when I was up there.

I immediately wrote up Kaare and told him that it was awesome and he should play SXSW if he ever gets the chance. The though of there being a future where three Paul Breaux alumni where in a band and one Paul Breaux alumni was introducing a film at the same festival is just too cool for words.

Check out both profiles. Hear good music.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

One Week Left

Till I become a twenty-something.


This whole identity-crisis funk I've had this semester is I think in part because of this concern over the switch from a teenager to something, older. It's the classic issue I've faced over how much to rebel and how much to go with it. I think I'm starting to reach a point where I can look at myself and go "Damn, I can actually grow up to be a leader."

One day last year, during my first Madrigal Dinner, Travis interviewed me about a leadership project he was working on and the one thing I can remember telling him is that I didn't have any desire to be a leader, as long as I didn't have to be a follower. It was the truth at the time, but times change, and with it visions of the future.

I really want to get this film chair position. I really want to bring to film a closer connection to the bloodstream of Austin film, something that I've only observed in these 2 years but where I hope to eventually end up in. I want to continue to get bigger and better with my projects. I have to continue to write material, in the hopes that sooner or later, I can catch a break on something.

This is the crossroads folks, growing up is hard, even harder when you think that part of who you are should be immune to growth. I've created this persona of being the eccentric fat kid who wants to rebel against it all and be "himself." But as all person's are, it's 50% truth and 50% bullshit.

In twenty years, the 39 year old Michael Domangue is going to look back on the 19 year old Michael Domangue and wonder why the hell he took this turn when he did, and he'll hate the 19 year old. But you know what...

Screw the 39 year old.

I have a life to live now. And I'm going to love it.

Thanks to Katherine for the amazing CD she sent as a birthday present. It helped a lot today.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Meet the new profile pic

So... just posting this up here to add to my Blogger profile. Got tired of the picasso pic. Thanks to Chris again for these AMA-zing shots.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I believe...

A Statement of Beliefs,
By Michael Domangue

I believe in me,
In my existence, and in my desires

I believe in god,
Though I also believe we've gotten really good at invoking him only when it suits ourselves

I believe in freedom,
But if you don't fight for it, it won't come to you

I believe in love,
But it's not easy, you have to wait, and wait, and wait, and then, you hold on

I believe in art,
It's the difference between humanity and very smart robots

I believe in beatles,
Despite what john lennon said in a sad point in his life

I believe in discovery,
On the way through life, you must be challenged


I believe in change,
Therefore I will not be in the way of it, no matter how much I wish I could stop it

Friday, February 23, 2007

The longer the break....


That's right ladies, gentlemen, and web surfing nerds! It's time for

Bits and Pieces

While a lot has been going on in my life lately I haven't blogged much of it because I couldn't think of a way to write it all down. Hopefully I can start writing some more posts in the near future.

Am I talentless?

I ask because these days it seems as if I'm either A)Two steps behind these brilliant visual RTF'ers or B)Content with the no-budget no-movement cast friends only style I do. It worries the crap out of me sometimes to think that maybe I'm not going to evolve much in film and I will not have the eye to direct or the voice to write. The bigger problem lies in the fact that by having all this self-doubt that has really taken hold this semester, it actually stunts my creativity in the process. I mean, I still have manic moments when I can go from idea to short script in an hour, but they come farther and father apart now. There's nothing I've written or done that is good enough for people to take notice to what I'm doing. Nothing original, nothing ground-breaking, nothing that applies to my concept of "chronicling our generation" that I used to preach about in high school.

These things are weighing me down right now. If I've seemed depressed, prone to mood swings, or just out of it, it's because of this monkey. I want so badly to make something that says "I'm Michael Domangue" but I just don't have it yet.

SXSW is on the horizon and I have an awesome plan lined up. I figure I should see over a dozen movies throughout the week while I'm volunteering. If your staying in down you should head downtown for spring break, enjoy the vibe if nothing else.

At my current rate of spending I should be able to possibly travel to Louisiana in April. No promises.

IF, big if, I can convince my parents to let me take a four-day trip through America to get to Ohio, you may see a shaggy college student stop off in Auburn come Mid-May.

16 days left of being a teenager... so weird.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Friday, February 09, 2007

Just a Random Thought

This isn't really a full post but I really thought I should bring it up.

Have you ever heard of a love triangle and though...

"Yeah, that's odd, and destructive, and hella unusual."

I'm definitely not trying to add to the drama pile here but it almost makes me happy knowing that I'm not in dating mode right now in Texas. I'm just observing this and remembering my love triangle that almost ended up in me fighting one of my best high school friends.

Maybe I should extend this post.


Her name was Cathryn. We all called her Cathy.

She was cute when I met her and a mess when I last saw her. Typical of a lot of the Outsider caste I was friends with in high school. For a year we were friends and then she dated one of my best friends Donkey. They made out EVERYWHERE!


Maybe I am at least remembering it that way but they were a close couple. But I still had a large large crush on her so during one of their make-up break-up moments I asked her out. What followed were six days of star-crossed high school hormonal... you get the picture.

She dumped me at the end of the six days and went back to Donkey. Then dumped him, then met this dude in high school who already had a kid and started having "relations" with him.

Needless to say that this story, due to it's drama content alone, has stayed firmly in my mind for several years.

The last time I spoke to her I told her to never talk to me again, that was junior year of high school and we have not spoken since. That may be a big regret of mine, not letting myself forgive her.


You see folks, love triangles between friends end badly, it ends in drama and transforms CS majors into screenwriters.

Here's some hole.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

11 Days Later...

So much to do, so much to see...


Bits and Pieces

So folks, the Saints lost. Life goes on, we all look forward to the draft and next season. I'm happy to think for once we earned a low draft spot because be played good and didn't make a stupid pick trade. Oh well. GO COLTS!

Sierra and I have formed the greatest writing partnership I have had thus far. I've never been really good with writing with other people (Case in point: The lost script "Woodstock or BUST" which as far as I know, no copies exist of anymore.) but working with the manic Miss Granger proved to make a script that I can take pride in it's insanity. It went around the SEC office and only Justin really didn't like it, which is fine by me. I think some changes need to happen to one or two of the jokes but I really don't know what to replace them with. It was just so nice to write something funny for once without a since of bitterness attached to it. Most of my comedy is too angry, this is just crazy.

Which I guess leads to my next point. MNL is back! I'm so happy to have the show coming back for a second year and not only to have it back, but to have it even stronger this year. Four scripts before auditions??? Cast excited to audition??? All paperwork on time and filled???


MNL is my baby, even more so than Improv Lite which I host. You see, in my eyes I am the Jay Leno of Improv Lite. I may reach the point of being good, but the guy before me was the master. MNL started with Mario, Ameer, and I deciding to try something new and now in it's second year we are seeing it grow right in front of us. It makes me proud to see that seed from last year grow into a tree.

SXSW updates will be coming soon. Hope to see what movies I'll be working and what movies I'll be running to this year. Gotta break last year's mark of 18 movies. That should be interesting.

Tonight's YouTube video will be one of the songs I plan to feature on the MNL pre-show, which I hope to be the funniest Powerpoint project ever written.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Hold on Folks!

I arrive tomorrow. Just in time for the Saints game.


It feels really weird going into a playoff game with the Saints favored to win. That's kinda like going into a bar at 16 and knowing your going to get hammered.

I wanna go home guys. I want to be back in Austin, enjoying the company of my friends and continuing to strive for something, right now I just feel in neutral. I want to go back to my little Dobie dorm room and find a way to pay for the next meal.

I'm going to call up Quoc, Ameer and the boys and get a Saints viewing party set up somewhere.

I want to give a profound rant right now but really can't. So here's some Cowboy Mouth.

Monday, January 08, 2007

In the wee hours of the night...

Coming at you from the depths of the delta.


Across the galaxy to the web browser of your choosing here are some new tibits about the life of Michael A. Domangue

Re-Registration begins for me tomorrow morning. I am removing Spanish (which was never registered to begin with) and replacing it with an Advertising course and The History of Rock Music. Ameer says it's hard but I should be suited for it.

I am still working on the script and should have some new pages done tommorow.

I'm ready to go back to Texas folks. I've picked up my toys and spent time with the parents. Now let's move on.

I'm about 60% set on moving in with Ameer at the end of the summer. He's my best bud and I shouldn't pass up the opportunity to have a good place to live with a good friend.

I miss Lauren Perdue. I miss talking to her. I wish she would let me talk to her.

(Note: Took a two-hour break after writing that sentence)

Lots of things to work on next semester. The most important of which is continuing to make sure I find out what is most important. This is a circular sentence but it basically sums up the problem. What is most important in my life? My Art? My Love for others? My Love for Myself? My Schoolwork? My Financial Stability? It's hard to just BE when so many want you to be something else. Everyone wants to make me better, including myself. But what is better?

Two videos from this post. Brother Danielson on the first.

and A Bob Dylan Classic

Remember the last performance night?

Friday, January 05, 2007

Behind Schedule and Proud of it!

So folks I'm happy to say that the first scene of A Finite Amount is written!

But two pages in three days!!!!!!!!!

Jeez I'm not happy about that.

Sitting at this desk is quite uncomfortable. The chair does not go up or down and is angled exactly where it needs to be to cause the most back pain. My chest congestion is also starting to flare up and basically it all adds up to distraction. Add to that my internet and WoW addiction and I've basically been unable to focus.

I'm going to try and finish another scene before I go to bed. At the rate of pages to scenes this could be less than the 30 pages I envisioned but the fun part of this whole project is that I don't have restrictions. If I want 20 pages I get it.

I'd host the pages on the site but I can't find a service for it. Quoc and Ameer will be getting them soon so e-mail them if you want a copy or IM if you are desperate.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Light a candle and watch this...

2007? But I liked 2006!

Ladies and Gentlemen!
Boys and Girls!
The Rajun Cajun!
The Bayou Beau!
The only film major to not like German cinema!

Michael Domangue is back!

Albeit in a PC-Not-Mac and Mississippi-not-Louisiana form.

Yeah folks, I'm in the deep south with a functioning internet account and my WoW discs planning to have some fun and maybe finish a script as well.

What's Happened to Finite Michael?

I'm glad you asked Italics man. Finite has morphed into A Finite Amount. What does this mean? It means we now have one 30 minute story with two leads instead of 5 10 minute stories with five leads. As much as I like the concept of small stories combined I started to realize as I was plotting out the stories that only two of them really figured into the equation of the theme. The theme being "What makes us human is how we react to other humans."

I find this theme is so important in these days when people try to say that the internet is creating a generation of zombies. Does this post sound like it was typed by a zom.... BRAINS!!!

But seriously, our generation uses technology to connect to people just like the last generation used the telephone and snail mail. The television is not an interactive medium, at least not without the help of expensive accessories like my Wii. The internet, technology itself is only used when the people decide that they want to use it.

Why do my two stories not feature one computer then? Because the human interaction I'm showing is of the very basic nature. Man and Woman, Man and Nature, Man and the Universe. The two characters are polar opposites connected together by chance and circumstance but in the two threads we both see a disconnect.

Enough about that.

How was everyone's New Years? Congrats to Dana and Josh for getting engaged and congrats to my Dad for getting engaged to miss Tracy Pierce. She's a very nice lady and I'll be happy to call her Step-Mom.

I'm sick right now with some sort of cyclical flu. I'm fine in the morning and feel like crap at night. Even now I'm starting to get some back aches and it's 8:30.

Feel free to leave me an IM at MDomangueA on AIM. I'll leave it on today and reply when possible.

Enjoy the rest of your break everyone. I've got 3 more hours of patching till WoW is ready so I'm going to enjoy my new Simpson's set.