Monday, January 08, 2007

In the wee hours of the night...

Coming at you from the depths of the delta.


Across the galaxy to the web browser of your choosing here are some new tibits about the life of Michael A. Domangue

Re-Registration begins for me tomorrow morning. I am removing Spanish (which was never registered to begin with) and replacing it with an Advertising course and The History of Rock Music. Ameer says it's hard but I should be suited for it.

I am still working on the script and should have some new pages done tommorow.

I'm ready to go back to Texas folks. I've picked up my toys and spent time with the parents. Now let's move on.

I'm about 60% set on moving in with Ameer at the end of the summer. He's my best bud and I shouldn't pass up the opportunity to have a good place to live with a good friend.

I miss Lauren Perdue. I miss talking to her. I wish she would let me talk to her.

(Note: Took a two-hour break after writing that sentence)

Lots of things to work on next semester. The most important of which is continuing to make sure I find out what is most important. This is a circular sentence but it basically sums up the problem. What is most important in my life? My Art? My Love for others? My Love for Myself? My Schoolwork? My Financial Stability? It's hard to just BE when so many want you to be something else. Everyone wants to make me better, including myself. But what is better?

Two videos from this post. Brother Danielson on the first.

and A Bob Dylan Classic

Remember the last performance night?


Anonymous said...

History of Rock Music is an awesome class. I think Grimes is still teaching it. He's kind of dull at times, but he has a weird sense of humor that may or may not be appreciated at times. I got a C, barely went to class, and never studied. Could have done better if I actually knew a damn about jazz, R&B, and Rap.

I still have the books from this past semester. Let me know if you want them.

meganberry said...

-i think that you should not try to become something others want you to be. become what you want to be while keeping yourself in this new person. i think you need to just find balance...and trust me i know its hard. i think you are wonderful.

-i love that dylan song.

-i miss you (i know you can you miss someone you havent seen in years?...but thats a silly question...i just do. i miss you.)